I started this journey as active-duty military in January 1998 and now, I’m a disabled veteran. I’ve had the privilege of traveling all over the world, meeting people that didn’t look like me, and experiencing different cultures and traditions. From that, I gained an appreciation for the uniqueness every human being brings to our planet.

One of my duties was processing the remains of deceased Soldiers. I suffered in silence for many years before I even knew what PTSD was. In 2013, I was working at Naval Sea Systems Command located at the Washington Navy Yard. I’ll never forget that day…September 16, 2013. A day that would change the course of my life where 12 co-workers were fatally shot in our workspace. May those precious souls Rest in Peace.

I escaped tragedy that day and was thankful to be alive. I am still tormented by so much violence and death, but I am learning to cope. From the darkest, innermost parts of my existence emerged one of the most powerful and amazing things I discovered about myself…my gift. From this tragic place, I started my company in 2019 and choose to turn something negative into something positive.

 I graduated from South Carolina State University in 1998 with a Bachelor's Degree in History Education and earned a Master's Degree with honors and as a distinguished military graduate in Counselor Education in 2002. Upon graduating, I was commissioned as a 2LT in the US Army.  I earned a second Master's Degree in Executive Business Administration from Georgetown University in 2014.

I currently live in the Washington DC area with the best husband on the planet and my little companion, toy poodle Hershey.

Kobe Bryant

The biggest mistake we make in our life is thinking we have time.